A Heart of Gratitude
Perspective matters…
Morning fog. A cool breeze brushing at your back. The changing leaves. Cold hands holding steaming mugs. Scarfs and sweaters. The smell of pumpkin pie baking in the oven. All these things remind us that fall is approaching and with it a multitude of holidays, events, and overall busyness.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we rush into this season with calendars full, minds running a thousand miles per hour and a clock that just won’t stop. Yet through everything we do–even in the midst of the hurricane of life–we should take time to stop, breathe and praise the One who made us. Thanksgiving is a holiday many of us push to the side, as Christmas takes our time and attention. However, Thanksgiving should be a reminder of how to live our lives with gratitude as our focus!
1 Thessalonians 5:18 states, “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” In everything. Even when you don’t get the lead in the play, or your car breaks down, or when the calendar is so full that rest seems like a distant dream? How can we give thanks in everything?
The Bible gives us many examples: We can praise and thank God for His goodness (Psalm 107:1), His promise that He will always be with us (Matthew 28:20), the fact that He created us (Psalm 139:14), for the day He made (Psalm 118:24), and for His gift of salvation (2 Cor 9:15). When we intentionally start our day with thanksgiving, it fills us with joy and peace to conquer the day, come what may. Starting our day with the Lord and intentionally thanking Him for what He has given will always steer us towards the right direction in all we do, whether in school, or home, work, or on stage.
This is especially important on stage; if we don’t start with a heart of gratitude, a spirit of bitterness can easily take over. When we start with gratitude then we can use our gifts to glorify the Lord. Suddenly the part we play doesn’t seem to matter as much. Whether lead role, ensemble, or crew, we all work together, using our talents to the best of our ability, so that the Lord will be glorified and His gospel will be preached. We begin to approach life with gratitude for the opportunities we have been given to serve rather than begrudging the fleeting things we thought we deserved, fully trusting that all good gifts come from the Father.
As we go through this wonderful and crazy holiday season, be encouraged to thank the Lord for what He has given you on this day and watch as your attitude towards everything else change.
“Bless the Lord, oh my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name!” (Psalm 103:1)