In the Limelight
The lights. The acoustics. The music. The laughter. The audience. It’s the draw of the stage. The moment that curtain opens, the room comes alive with a story to tell! All of these moments swell into this exciting crescendo for an actor as they give a piece of their heart to a given role. The giving of such an intimate piece of one’s self through this form of entertainment can place a person in a spiritually vulnerable position, if unprepared. The innate desire to feed the flesh with worldly glory can be enticing. Humans generally appreciate a pat on the back and - to an extent - being praised. This can develop into an insatiable appetite for more glory, an unhealthy competitive desire, and a focus on self. As a believer, it is imperative to remain mindful that our identity is in Christ and Christ alone (Galatians 2:20). How can we manage a balance of our testimony while giving our best on the stage?
First and foremost, before we get into balance, what is your testimony? This is the most sincere, most powerful, most fragile moment you’ve had with God. This is where He revealed His will for your life and you realized it. Your testimony is where God’s glory is honored, where His power is demonstrated, and where His unconditional love and grace is realized. It’s extremely personal and what’s more; it’s yours!
So, what about that balance? The following may sound like a trite reminder but READ God’s love letter to us! His Word keeps us on track and reminds of the significance of our testimony…His testimony. Regularly reading the Bible presents so many growth opportunities and chances for God to speak to you, exactly where you are on this journey. Staying in the Bible is a direct line to God’s will and how we share it with others. When we walk away from His Word, we can feel a bit scattered, uncertain, and empty. It places us in a position where the world’s influences and appeal could garner our attention. It’s no secret that the entertainment industry has a wide net of belief systems, worldviews, and alluring opportunities. All at what cost? Let us allow God’s Word to fuel our motives, conversations, and interactions. Being consistent with our Bibles helps us find a balance by daily seeking God’s will for our lives.
Additionally, we need to stay connected. No one is an island, and relationships are an incredible gift from God to strengthen our testimonies. Collectively, believers are the salt of the earth, so the chance to be a light within our theatre community is unlike any other opportunity. Salt seasons, enhances, and preserves. Likewise, our unity can season, enhance, and preserve our versatile testimonies. The opportunity to minister to one another as we rehearse, plan, design, and create helps us build a connection that will translate with each performance. Do we see theatre as a chance to showcase our talents or an opportunity for God to work through the relationships where we can magnify His name?
Serving in theatre presents a unique obligation to the Christian and their testimony. The believer that shares their artistry and talents, unabashedly, is opening so many unique doors and conversations for this ministry. We’re excited to see how God will use the innumerable talents He has brought our way. It is our responsibility to remain diligent and mindful that the glory goes to God in all that we do. Colossians 3:23 is a wonderfully concise reminder that whatever we do, we must do it heartily, as for the Lord!